Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

(May 27, 2009)

It' s a family outing i 'm so exited that day i 'm the one who first go and ride in the car.. hahhaaha un4getable day (May 27, 2009).. Thank' s Mama and Papa I love you so much mhwaaa..


Nice day to everyone! Today is the Last day of our midterm exam. .. . . God what is the result of my exam?? haayyzzz... Oh! Lord Jesus!

Monday, August 2, 2010

My dearest ading Thalia, my favorite kapatid:) why?? super sweet and malambing she's kind and smart but sometimes she's too much makulit which is sometimes i hate but it's okey i love her so much.... because of her i learn to be a good ate and i enjoy it..... I love you sister:) be good always in skul and stay pretty ading ko.


What a nice day,, i love my sister gie she teach me how to make a power point wow!she's so nice to us, she's like our 2nd mother.. how great i a 'm ,, thanks god ...